Welcome to our Camping Stove Cookout!

Hello, I’m Dave. I have been a river and camping guide for 20 years and have been cooking camp meals for most of that time. I’ve used many of the camping stoves on the market and have learned which stoves are effective and which ones you should to stay away from. I ‘m also what you call a gear junky- I can’t wait to get that new piece of gear out on the next camping trip so I can see how it works. Camp StoveI have gained a lot of experience in the field and will share that knowledge with you as you look towards purchasing your next camping stove.

I chose to review camp stoves because there is a need out there.  I will keep reviewing them as they come onto the market, so check back in periodically.

Wonder what the best camping stove on the market is right now or how much you would need to spend for a quality one?  I can help by showing you what products are worth spending your hard earned money on and where to get them.  I will also be able to answer any questions you may have as you look through the site.

I have put all of the best stoves up for a review and comparison process here at Camping Stove Cookout. This is a place intended to help guide your decision making process. To help you find enjoyment in the process, I have added additional content that relates directly to camping stoves that should help as well.  A gear cooking page and cooking ideas page are included to make sure you have the right gear and to give you some ideas to prepare for your trip.  Have a look and tell me what you think.  Let me know if you have a camp cooking recipe you would like to share with the community.

I enjoy many activities outdoors- rafting, fishing, camping, hiking, backpacking and snow boarding. My wife and I try to get our two year old girl out on outdoor activities whenever we can and look forward to doing the same with another baby girl coming into our world in a few months. I plan on spending many nights out on the river teaching our girls what I know about camping. I am also interested in and work in ecological restoration and am always looking for inspiration when I am out and about. I’d like to pay it forward and help your outdoor experience be better by offering up what I know through  good reviews or answering any questions to may have.

Thanks for stopping in!
