10 DIY Camping Gear Tips | Save Some Cash Camping

DIY Camping Gear TipsHave you ever forgotten something important while out camping? Maybe you somehow lost track of your tent, fuel for the stove, or maybe even your sleeping bag?  If so, there is no need to let these types of blunders ruin your trip?  I hope that a few of these Do-it-yourself (DIY) Camping Gear Tips will get you in the right mindset to adapt next time this happens to you.

Dont forget your multi tool or knife plus some good twine or rope and a roll of duct tape.  I patched many leaky tents and tarps and lined up a few nice shelters with these few items over the years.

This article is partially a roundup from other websites and partially based on my own experiences. Some of these are super quick tips and a few take a little more skill to master.  And in Tip #2, don’t get fixed on the haircut, this guy has some skills.


10 DIY Camping Gear Tips:


1.  Tent Footprint

Space blankets are amazing for so many things including safety and survial preparedness. You can also use it to protect your tent and save a little money.  Instead of buying an expensive foot print just find a space blanket that is a similar size as your tent.  If needed, cut the tarp to the correct size as the bottom of your tent.

2.  Make a Stove out of a Beer Can

I discuss camping stove reviews on this page, but want you to realize that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on a stove up front. There are plenty of homeade stove ideas out there including this one that shows you how to use a beer can for a stove. Similar to the alcohol fuel stoves, the beer can stove burns simple alcohol and is super lightweight.


3.  Make Your Own Trailmix

Trail mix in the stores is super expensive and usually not as good as you can make at home. Here are a few recipes to get you started and clarification of why you should be making your own trail mix.DIY Trailmix

4.  Waterproof Match Container

Any camper knows that the most important part of the cooking experience is a good fire and you need matches to get that fire started. Here is a quick hack on how to keep your matches dry.

5.  Make your Own hammock

A good friend of mine started using a hammock camping and although I have layed in his, I just haven’t been able to justify buying a new one. Here is an easy tip for making your own hammock from stuff you have at home.

6.  Sage to keep the bugs away

I spent a month and ½ up in Northern Alaska a few years back in one of the buggiest places on the planet. I had to wear a bug net on my face for the entire trip. There were a few things I didn’t know then including how sage can help keep the bugs away.

7.  Use a Tarp for a Tent

There are so many ways to use a tarp while camping. Save some money and space and skip the tent. This video link has some good tips on setting up your tarp.


8.  Waterproof your phone with Ziplock

I have a really nice iphone waterproof case that I use to protect my phone outdoors but find myself using a simple ziplock much of the time because its really quick an easy.

9.  Duct Tape on Water Bottles/Lighters

What’s your number one item to take camping? After a knife, duct tape might be next for me. It fixes almost anything and can be a life saver. Instead of taking the whole roll just wrap a water botte with tape and you always have a supply.  Or for a more compact roll, wrap a few thin strips around a lighter.  Take a look at this link for other tips and tricks for your next trip.

10.  Toilet Paper HolderDIY Toilet Paper Holder

You do not want to get your tp wet out camping. If you have ever had to use leaves you will understand this statement. Check out this quick and easy tip to keep the tp dry.


Next time you are out camping try one or two of these tips.  As you are out think about some other DIY Camping Gear Tips that you can use out there.  If you already have a good one that I haven’t listed, leave it in the comments below.  If you want to dig into some additional camping tips, take a look at this link to a few additional articles.


  1. Doug Stewart
    • Dave

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