Benefits of Using a Solar Oven

Solar ovens are an eco-friendly alternative to gas and fuel stoves. They use heat from the sun to cook food instead of electricity or gas, making them a lot easier and less fuss to use in most instances.

The best part – a lot of the food you cook in a solar oven tastes just as good, if not better!

Check out some of these benefits to using a solar oven:

Solar Ovens are Eco-Friendly

If doing your bit for the environment isn’t important to you, it should be. Especially when it’s at no detriment to yourself, like choosing a solar oven next time you’re buying a backpacking oven.

If you enjoy the outdoors I’m guessing you appreciate the environment anyway, so this will be a welcome by-product to owning a solar oven. This also means you save money in the long run too, so I know that will resonate with some of the people that the first point doesn’t.

Solar Ovens Help You Cook Healthier

As much as we all enjoy some smoked meat cooked over open coals or on a BBQ, it’s also a good idea to eat food that’s been heated up without smoke or electromagnetic radiation from microwaves.

You will find that a lot more of the nutritional content stays in the food when you use a solar oven. You will not reach the food burning temperatures of an open fire, and you don’t need to add water to most foods.

Solar Ovens Pay for Themselves in a Short Time Period

If you like getting value for money than there are few things better than an item that pays for itself. Once you have the oven it’s basically free to use, so while your friends are using lighter fluid and replacing gas canisters, all you need is your oven.

Homemade solar ovens are popular in poorer countries that have a lot of hot weather for this reason. There isn’t much to go wrong with them in storage too so you can expect your oven to last you a long, long time.

Solar Ovens Come in Handy During Power Outages

The only use for your oven might not be outdoors while camping. If you experience any form of power outage at home you’re going to thank yourself for owning a solar oven.

Even if you’re camping on a campsite it’s a good idea to have one in the van just in case you need it. I know I’ve found myself using it alongside my main grill too for some extra help cooking different foods at the same time.

Solar Ovens Are Easier and Safer to Use

Solar ovens are great for complete newbies to outdoors cooking. As long as you have the sun and the food, you can leave the oven to do the rest. No need to manage and keep an eye on the flame, and no risk of setting fire to something or burning yourself on the flame.

The All American Sun Oven

Over here you will find The All American Sun Oven. Used in more than 126 countries over the past 28 years, Sun Ovens are one of premier brands of solar ovens.

(Use the coupon code:  LORM0UQN2E82 to save $50 on a one time purchase of the Sun Oven)

This is their newest release, and included in the purchase is:

  • A lightweight and portable solar oven capable of reaching up to 400 degrees F.
  • Hydrating and baking rack set.
  • 2 x Easy stack pots with lids.
  • 2 x Loaf pans.
  • eCookbook with 600 recipes.

All you need to get started basically, and it’s all made in the US.

What Are the Drawbacks to Using a Solar Oven?

I’m always fair when reviewing or discussing products so I’m not just going to list all the pros and leave it at that.

There are a couple of drawbacks to using a solar oven, but I will say that the pros far outweigh any cons as you will see for yourself.

Solar Ovens Need Sunlight

The obvious point here is that solar ovens rely on sunlight to work. This is something that you should factor into your decision to buy one or not. If you don’t get any quality sunlight where and when you backpack or camp, you don’t need a solar oven.

Solar Ovens Take Longer Than Gas or Electric

They take longer than a gas or electric powered stove too as you would expect. So you’re going to need to be a little better prepared. You can’t just throw a ready made meal in near the end of the day and expect the same results.

Convinced Yet?

With all of the benefits mentioned above and at such an affordable price the only question you really need to ask yourself is, “do I have the space to carry a solar oven with me?”

If you’re not having fun experimenting with cooking different meals while camping or backpacking you’re missing out. Solar ovens make this as easy as any oven, there is no risk of burning food and you’re less likely to under cook meat in the middle.

Food also retains more moisture as you’re basically roasting or baking the food as opposed to grilling it like you would on a flame so you’re having enjoyable meals from a solar oven.

You can pick up the All American Sun Oven over at



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